17 April 2024
Earlier this week we had the pleasure of Suzanne Hall-Gibbins from Circle2Success joining us in the Square One Network office in Bristol, where we recorded Suzanne chatting to our MD Dave Allen about all things Square One Network.
Dave started by explaining the background and unexpected popularity of the now infamous Square One Network bucket hats.
The conversation then turned to the work that the team at Square One has been putting into establishing its values of Mobile First, Passion and Experience, Emerging and Innovative and Personable Service and Dave explained how the team have been living those values and how customers benefit from them.
Dave went on to talk about the conversations he and his team had been having with customers and how he had responded to the feedback, with recruitment and realignment of the project management and customer service teams and just what a differentiator the people at Square One were in todays all too often transactional marketplace.
The conversation went on to what’s happening in the telecoms world, a shared passion for supporting the Hope For Tomorrow cancer charity, what the future has in store for the team at Square One, C2S membership and much more.
We recommend you grab a coffee and watch the interview for yourself.
Many thanks to Suzanne for her help in putting this C2S Interview together.